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Why going viral is not enough: the shape of effective social media campaigns

What do effective social media campaigns look like? Marketers tend to answer this question by adding up numbers. They keep score of views, likes and shares, of the number of feeds that their activity appears in and the number of actions that it...

May 2016 | Digital , Social insight

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You’re listening but are you learning?

Every day millions of customers share their experiences of products and services on social media. This ought to be a game-changing opportunity for brands and businesses to transform those experiences. Yet the constant stream of social media feedback...

June 2015 | Customer Strategies , Social insight , Social Media , Mining social insight

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Marketers: the future is ready for you now

Extensive research from TNS proves that social media and search data can accurately predict the results of brand tracker surveys months in advance. The implications for market research are enormous. In this feature we explain the techniques between...

April 2015 | Research methods , Social insight , Digital , Brand & Communication